Wasilla Invite 2021 vs Wasilla Trailblazer Invite 2020

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -3 103 106
Overall Average -14.50 23:21.91 23:36.41
1st-10th Place -1:02.89 17:11.60 18:14.49
1st-25th Place -57.66 18:03.53 19:01.18
1st-50th Place -38.08 19:27.77 20:05.85
1st-100th Place +9.64 22:55.07 22:45.42
Common Athletes -- -- 41
Ran Faster 23 32 9
Ran Season Best 1 5 4
Average Time -38.11 22:24.39 23:02.50
Median Time -37.13 21:34.97 22:12.10
Middle 80% Times -38.14 22:03.03 22:41.17
Top 10% Times -51.46 17:22.98 18:14.44
Top 25% Times -42.46 18:01.68 18:44.14
Top 50% Times -38.77 19:06.42 19:45.19
Bottom 50% Times -35.63 24:38.34 25:13.98
Bottom 25% Times -48.99 28:04.90 28:53.89
Bottom 10% Times -18.52 31:49.44 32:07.96
Average Difference -38.11 -- --
Median Difference -1:52.54 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -41.77 -- --
Top 10% Difference -42.55 -- --
Top 50% Difference -38.40 -- --
Top 25% Difference -39.46 -- --
Top 50% Difference -38.40 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -41.37 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -57.25 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -9.88 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Fischer Adams Palmer High School -1:05.12 17:00.38 18:05.50
Zach Cheyette Colony High School -39.16 17:12.24 17:51.40
Landon Hayes Wasilla High School -1:38.65 17:24.05 19:02.70
Jayden Rice Colony High School -56.94 17:30.56 18:27.50
Brennan Lackey Wasilla High School -51.73 17:47.67 18:39.40
Ryan Owens Palmer High School -32.00 17:54.40 18:26.40
Tobin Miller Palmer High School -19.55 18:01.85 18:21.40
Zachary Daniel Colony High School -2.66 18:32.34 18:35.00
Jack Klayum Colony High School -42.23 18:54.07 19:36.30
Caleb Hilty Colony High School -42.29 18:56.91 19:39.20
Samuel Fry Colony High School -36.10 19:04.00 19:40.10
Ziven Witczak Palmer High School -18.18 19:12.42 19:30.60
Jace Makamson Colony High School -7.79 19:21.51 19:29.30
Chase Foss Wasilla High School -42.56 19:34.64 20:17.20
Matias Ramirez Colony High School -37.93 19:40.07 20:18.00
Carson Deans Palmer High School -1:52.54 20:24.56 22:17.10
Oliver Rose Colony High School -45.74 20:27.06 21:12.80
Logan Magee Wasilla High School +8.25 20:36.75 20:28.50
Myles Campbell Redington High School -55.99 20:35.01 21:31.00
Malachi Stamoolis Colony High School -7.51 21:29.39 21:36.90
Jaseper Ross Houston High School -1:37.63 21:34.97 23:12.60
Shea Alaniva Colony High School +0.10 21:47.90 21:47.80
Mya Campbell Redington High School +1:32.15 23:44.25 22:12.10
Abby Novak Colony High School -1:00.16 22:43.34 23:43.50
Dawson Cowell Redington High School +1:33.09 24:23.79 22:50.70
Monica Bustillos Colony High School -2:53.46 22:52.94 25:46.40
Mykennan Rinella Palmer High School -1:36.11 22:58.69 24:34.80
Lucy Shea Colony High School +1.61 23:09.81 23:08.20
Emma Hopkins Colony High School -37.40 23:30.00 24:07.40
Monroe Swain Palmer High School +18.82 23:50.32 23:31.50
Landon Steiner Wasilla High School -40.84 23:54.06 24:34.90
Anna Bell Colony High School -39.59 24:23.41 25:03.00
Kaitlyn Cottrell Colony High School -2:45.61 24:43.09 27:28.70
Jeremiah Thompson Redington High School -3:52.76 25:13.14 29:05.90
Amy Reynolds Colony High School -4.14 25:16.56 25:20.70
Winter Shaw Palmer High School -1:18.37 25:46.73 27:05.10
Addison Palenske Colony High School -1:59.16 25:58.14 27:57.30
Andrea Apthorp Wasilla High School +2:34.75 29:03.85 26:29.10
Faith Walker Redington High School +1:23.67 29:14.37 27:50.70
Ella Thompson Colony High School +4:26.44 35:34.64 31:08.20
Sassa Knutson Houston High School -5:21.51 39:16.19 44:37.70