Who knew in Alaska that they had so many half miler studs? Levi Thomet wins an 800 meter thriller doubling back from his 8:54 3200 hours before.

The Big C Relays 800 last weekend in Anchorage may have been the deepest 800 meter race in state history with 4 girls at 1:56 or faster led by Levi Thomet as the winner in 1:55.24 after running a 8:54 3200 just hours before.

Keep your finger on the pulse of HS T&F with this rundown of the weekend's top races
Watch Allie Ostrander's incredible quadrouple at her final Big C Relays from Anchorage, Alaska.
Levi Thomet had a busy weekend at The Dome in Anchorage, Alaska for the 2015 Big C Relays. Watch all 4 of his races including a 8:54 3200, 1:55 800, 4:10 Mile, and 4x400 anchor win.
After 6 meet records on day 1, watch more records be broken LIVE from Alaska!
Post-race interview with Kenai Central (AK) senior Allie Ostrander after she broke 10 minutes for the first time in the 3200 with a 9:59.33 performance indoor at the Big C Relays in Anchorage.

The Big C Relays 3,200m Champion, New Balance National Indoor 2 Mile runner-up tells us about chasing polar bears and training in the Last Frontier
Watch the race that lived up to the billing! Allie Ostrander holds off the boys and wins the Big C Relays 3200 chase race with a 9:59 3200! Levi Thomet (8:54) & Conner Mantz (8:55) go sub 9!
Prediction contest time for the Big C Relays! Who will cross the line in the Battle of Sexes 3200 race with Allie Ostrander and the boys duo of Conner Mantz and Levi Thomet?
Every major track meet has people behind the scenes to make things happen. For the Big C Relays that includes meet director Shane Metcalf & The Dome's Bryan Underwood & Dino Sutherland.
Before you watch Allie Ostrander race LIVE Friday night at the Big C Relays, make sure you watch Episode 1 of On The Rise: Allie Ostrander that details her big win against the boys this past summer.
Heat sheets for the 2015 Big C Relays in Alaska, which will be streamed LIVE on MileSplit! Nearly 2,000 athletes from 40 schools will be competing at The Dome in Anchorage this weekend.